Instructor training and events are also posted on our Professional Development Calendar.

Team Oregon instructor

Outreach /
SFT Events

Here’s how Team Oregon staff, instructors and volunteers promote the program and share their enthusiasm for motorcycle safety and rider training opportunities.

Motorcyclist riding in parking lot while instructors watch


Monthly in spring and summer, your training manager Mike Heinen shares Field Feedback  containing Teaching Tips and important Eyes Up alerts.

Team Oregon Banquet

Awards &

You are invited! Once a year at the end of the training season, we gather in Salem to break bread, share stories and honor our instructors.

Stay Connected!

Team Oregon maintains an optional, informal e-mail listserv and Facebook group for instructors to share information, stories, events and media. Contact Megan Ryusaki to join the listserv. To join the Facebook group, visit the group and submit a membership request.

You can also keep up to date with Team Oregon Instructor news, course offerings, and policy updates in the Instructor Calendar, Newsletter and Field Feedback pages.

Team Oregon staff with white trailer in background