Assignments AND Dashboard Help

The help documents below are reference tools for your use — click to view / download the files.

Questions about assignments, course files, goals and preferences? Try the new Instructor FAQ.

Keepout Dates, Instructor Availability and Preferences

Instructions for keeping your availability up to date, so you don’t miss out on any potential assignments.

Automated Assignments

Instructions for accepting or declining assignments when you receive an automated assignment.

Travel Preferences

Instructions for choosing sites you are willing to travel to and waiving reimbursements.

Database Course Codes

Understanding course codes in the database and identifying which class/range you are assigned to.

Instructor Arrival Times

Policy regarding instructor arrival times for both AM and PM assignments.

Site Needs Tool

Instructions for entering site needs in the Instructor Zone.

On-call Instructor Admin

View course rosters, search for instructors to fill cancelled assignments and look up student records. For on-call instructors only.


If you have additional questions, visit the Resources page, FAQs page, or contact a team member below.

Megan Ryusaki (Wong)

[email protected]

Michael Heinen

[email protected]