Below are answers to frequently asked questions about assignments, course files, goals and preferences. If you don’t see your question answered here, try Assignments/Dashboard Help. For payroll questions, visit Payroll and Travel.

Assignments are made based on the following criteria:

  • Where you live
  • Your progress toward your given goal
  • Your teaching qualifications
  • Your keep-out dates
  • Your other teaching assignments
  • Your teaching preferences

No. Assignments are based on the criteria mentioned above and offered to all instructors fairly. The best way to receive an assignment you would like is to make sure your calendar, goals and preferences are up to date and accurate. There are no guarantees you’ll get an assignment until you are assigned.

Assignments are made on Wednesdays each week. If you receive an assignment, you will be sent a notification e-mail. You have up to five days to log in and accept or decline the assignment. If you do not accept or decline within five days, your calendar will be blacked out for those dates and that course will be assigned to another instructor. If you log in and decline the assignment, your calendar will be blacked out for those dates, as well.

You can – and should – go back and adjust your keep-out dates any time your availability changes. For more information on how to accept or decline assignments, please see Automated Assignments – Help Document.

The nature of our program requires that instructors teach a variety of course types and schedules for us to cover all assignments. Please accept all assignments that fit your schedule and teaching competencies. If you have not taught a specific role or type of assignment recently and are not confident in your ability, contact the training department to discuss additional training or updating your competency.

These assignments are made manually. Specific assignments are held as training opportunities and we work to match you up with mentors to help you complete the process. To schedule these assignments, contact Megan Ryusaki at 888-370-7990 ext. 1.

Some of our locations offer more than one range. Your course file will note the location. You can also determine which range by the makeup of the Class Code. The last four characters signify which range to report to. For a breakdown of the Class Code, please see Course and Database Codes – Help Document.

When you accept an assignment, we are counting on you to keep that assignment. If you must cancel, contact Megan Ryusaki at 888-370-7990 ext. 1 at least two weeks prior to the start of the course to find a replacement. The TSU will find a replacement for you – do not offer the assignment to another instructor. 

In an emergency outside of TSU office hours, contact Team Oregon On-Call at 888-370-7990 ext. 9.

The TSU emails course files to instructors the Thursday before the course.

If you do not receive your course file, contact Megan Ryusaki at 888-370-7990 ext. 1.

Desired goal is set by the instructor and indicates how many classes you are willing and able to teach in a year. For example, if you want to teach once a month, set your desired goal at 10 (we do not teach all 12 months). Your keep out dates should reflect your desired goal, as well. For more information and help setting desired goals, see Blackout Dates, Instructor Availability and Preferences – Help Document.

Given goal is assigned by the TSU and based on trending history, courses available in your home zone, the number of instructors in your zone and your desired goal. Given goal is based on supply and demand and should not be considered a firm number. As the TSU adds classes during the year and instructor numbers fluctuate, so will given goals. 

The automated assignment system relies on your preferences to find you assignments. It will only make assignments within the parameters you set. For best results, mark all preferences you are willing and available to teach, rather than those you prefer to teach. At a minimum, you must mark either WE or WD and AM or PM preference, but can mark as many others as you like.

If you do not mark any preferences, no assignments will be offered to you through the automated assignment system. For more information and help setting preferences, see Blackout Dates, Instructor Availability and Preferences – Help Document.

Additional Questions?

If you have additional questions, visit the Resources page or contact a team member below.

Tami Schrock

[email protected]

Megan Ryusaki (Wong)

[email protected]