august 2023

It’s Just the Stop Signal, Right?

But it’s just a signal. What’s the big deal?

Timing is very important to build proper expectations. We should provide the stop signal when we expect students to begin stopping.

Avoid using the signal too early – you want them to stop in front of you, not halfway uprange! (Yes, this happens.)

Point to your lead rider, point to your feet, slow, step out of path of travel (POT), and then give the stop signal. Students want to please; they just need to know clearly what you want them to do.

This is an example of a great position for providing the stop signal, out of the path of travel of your lead rider. Instructors: Darcy Schaffer and Ernie Dayrit.

Riding Demonstrations

An old friend used to remind us “Students will emulate you to an embarrassing degree.”

Your demonstrations should show students exactly what you want them to do. Showing the complete and correct POT during a demonstration is very important for new riders. We always begin our demonstration from the beginning of our staging line, and finish by stopping at the end of the line. It’s permissible to straddle walk the bike with the engine off back to its place in line.

Summer Heat and Smoke – Training Reminder

You should have received a link in your OSU e-mail for two required training modules that take a little more than 10 minutes each. The courses are OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Training and OSHA Wildfire Smoke Training. Please complete these modules as soon as possible.  Click here to begin your training.

juLY 2023

Face the Range

During split exercises when you are having a discussion with your group, remember to face the range. You will be able to maintain communication with your co-instructor and help with any potential POT issues.

This is an example of a great position for group discussion off the bikes during a split exercise. Remember to face the range and be concise. Then let them rest!

Brevity in Coaching

Why do we always ask for brevity in coaching? Students need to focus on what’s important. On the range we don’t have time for the full lecture, student need to know now to practice. Concentrate on using as few words as possible, not full sentences and what they need to do. 

Five Points for Dropped Motorcycles

  • Ask student what they think caused the crash/drop
  • Provide feedback on what actually happened
  • Offer coaching on how to avoid similar incidents
  • Review risk of injury
  • Get confirmation from student they accept injury risk

Summer Heat Reminder

Access to chilled water June through August: Lead instructors will be paid a half hour to pick up ice on the way to the range. Please do not submit receipts.

june 2023

R3 Reversal

Instructor in staging: Stands at the head of the line, outside the POT, so students aren’t forced to make a sharp u-turn.  

Instructor down range: Acts as an exit reference and directs students into the next exercise.

This is an example of a well performed R3 reversal. Notice Michael Shirley at the front of staging well outside the POT. The very distance instructor, Jim Donnellan, guiding students into the entry of the pattern to the right.

Quick Stop Instructor Positions

During this exercise, instructors should be on the brake side of the motorcycle, outside the POT (not standing on the numbers), and standing a foot or two before the standard for the speed you have directed the students to ride. 

For example, for the first part at 15 mph, instructors should be standing at about 13 feet or a couple feet before. For the second part, stand at 23 feet or a few feet before. This implies to the rider that you are expecting them to stop near where you are standing.

Summer Heat and Access

Instructors and students must have access to chilled water June through August: Lead instructors will be paid a half hour to pick up ice on the way to the range.  Please do not submit receipts.

Instructors and students must have access to shade:  Pop-up tents are being deployed to sites without natural shade.

Instructors and students must have access to additional breaks: 

  • 100-105 F: take an additional 15-minute break where needed
  • 106-110 F: take at least two more 15-minute breaks
  • >110 F: call on-call to reschedule class

Please call on-call if you put in more time, so we can compensate you accordingly.

MAY 2023


Staging in – After directing the first rider to stop, step towards the interior of the range outside the POT, and continue to provide the stop signal to all riders; direct class to use engine cut-off switch.

Staging out – Ensure all riders are ready, move to the brake side of the motorcycles outside of POT, facing the inside of the range and direct students out.

Instructor Positions

3Cs – Communicate, Control, and Coach. If you find yourself needing to move from the prescribed instructor position, or perhaps you are bladed in a different direction, realize that one or more of the three Cs is not getting the attention it deserves. By all means, help your students for incidents and stalling, but try to work from your position in the cards.

Hillsboro High School

If you are a Portland area instructor or like to travel, check your travel preferences to include PORTHILL. Our first weekend at PORTHILL is the beginning of June!

Sundays – RSP Road Riding Tactics

If you have a basic course with a RSP Road Riding Tactics course following, leave up the Exercise 19 cones! We use it for the first exercise in that course! You’re welcome!

Keep Out Dates

Remember to check your calendars, and please open any potential dates you might be able to teach!

APRIL 2023

Risk Management

Did you know that the vast majority of reported incidents on the range involve the abrupt use of the front brake? Try to reflect on the delivery of your coaching. Consider your speech – timing, volume, tone, speed – when working with students that may be anxious while operating the controls. What you say is important, and the delivery carries just as much weight.

Exercises 2 and 3

Remember to encourage “both hands squeeze” as students arrive at the stopping points. Your instructor positions allow for the three Cs (Communicate, Control and Coach). In exercise 2 that means you should be at least 10 feet beyond the perimeter little cones, centered in front your group of six students.

Porta-Potty Roller Locks

To reduce the number of locks that go swimming in the blue lagoon, please lock them to the porta-potty on the inside handle. If that’s not possible, please take them out of the porta-potty, away from students.

Operations – Paint Crew

Our new range at Hillsboro High School will be online soon. Although we normally reserve blue paint for airports, the marching band had already made use of what would have been our preferred color. No need to watch for air traffic but watch out for those low-flying joggers! Operations and the paint crew did a great job getting the site ready for you and your students. Many thanks to Brad Lawrie, Drew Reynolds, Jeff Magar, and Ken West.

Field feedback archive

For a refresher of previous years’ Field Feedback, check the archive.