January 2024

Team Oregon celebrates 40 years of service in 2024! We’ll honor this accomplishment with free seminars, special events and a 40th anniversary Boot-Camp training package. Learn more below. 

As we reflect on 40 years of world-class training, also recognize that your efforts benefit the communities in which our students live, the employers who rely on them to show up every day, and the families who depend on them to make it home each night. 

We are proud of this Team, sharing the tools and know-how that Oregonians need to enjoy riding more and get home safe. Team Oregon for the win!

Five Boot Camps are available to the public this year. A Boot Camp is a Braking Clinic, Cornering Clinic and Precision Maneuvering Clinic all in a weekend. Each is 3 courses in one … plus a free T-shirt! Learn more.

You can win a Boot Camp FREE through our partner Law Tigers Motorcycle Lawyers. Law Tigers is the proud sponsor of the 2024 Boot Camps — they’ve paid for 40 of the 58 seats and plan to give them all away. 

Visit the Law Tigers website for your chance to win. Instructors are eligible for the drawing … just don’t cancel any teaching assignments, OK?

Through three 2024 Boot Camps (Albany, Redmond and Hermiston) and two BMW events (the MOA and Chief Joseph rallies in June) Team Oregon now officially adds an On-Road Cornering Clinic (ONR) to our suite of advanced course offerings. 

ONR is one hour of classroom and a couple hours of riding a stretch of curvy road multiple times with some of our most experienced instructors. Generally available only to private groups through 2024, we aim to offer ONR to the public more widely in 2025. Off we go!

During the “quiet weekend” of no training August 3-4, we will host a 40th Anniversary instructor ride and campout at Hoodoo Ski Area (Santiam Pass). Plan to come enjoy great scenery, great riding, great food and great companionship. After the campout, we’ll depart en masse for the Team Oregon Open House which starts at 1 p.m. Sunday. Come show your Team spirit!

We are considering offering specialty motorcycling seminars at the 40th Anniversary banquet in November. These would be 2 or 3 sessions with subject matter experts on a variety of topics the afternoon of the banquet. Please use this survey form to let us know what topics interest you, as well as answer a few other questions about the coming year.

There will be 6 opportunities to attend a mandatory, paid 2-hour instructor update this year. Register

The first will be held on your living room couch (well, Zoom) Saturday, Jan. 20 from 12-2 p.m. In-person updates will be Feb. 17 in Albany, March 2 and April 20 in Oregon City, March 9 in Medford and April 27 in Redmond, all from 1 to 3 p.m.

See the Instructor Resources course calendar for this and other professional development activities (instructor clinics!) in 2024.

The Policy Manual has been revised for 2024. You can always find it online to download here — it’s wise to keep a current copy for yourself. This year the changes were minor, so we dispensed with the usual errata sheet. 

And remember: On the range, any answers you can’t find in your Range Cards or Policy Manual you can get from On-Call. An On-Call instructor is available every training weekend to provide instructor support. Put them on your speed dial: 888-370-7990 ext. 9.

Five awesome training incentives are up for grabs, just for teaching a little extra this summer. 

During the months of June-August 2024, every extra endorsement course you teach (compared to last year) gets you an entry in a drawing. The drawing will be for the new helmet of your choice (no kidding) or 2 days of training from our partners at RIDE Adventures. Both incentives will serve as tools on the range (i.e. demos) and on the street. So open those calendars! 

And to honor last year’s efforts, instructors who taught 5 or more courses June-August 2023 will be entered in the drawing automatically. We’ll send a note in March with more details and a reminder of how many courses you taught last summer. Stay tuned!

The instructor newsletter is one of many ways we keep instructors in touch. If you’d like stay in touch informally as well, send a membership request to the private Facebook group and/or contact Megan to sign up for the e-mail listserv. 

For even more motorcycle-related goodness, you can follow Team Oregon’s public social media profiles: