Instructor Social PDX Metro

TBA via Listerv or Facebook Post

This is a third-Thursday monthly social meet-up from 4-7 p.m. The location will change each month, rotating sides of town. All former and current instructors, staff, and plus-ones are welcome. ...

Skills Circuit

Albany Range

We’ve extracted the Circuit Ride from the old RSP and created a short course to assess riding skill and reinforce good technique. RSC runs 2.5 hours. Instructors ride their own ...

Precision Maneuvering Clinic Albany

Albany Range

Come and knock some serious rust off your skills! Similar to other “ride like a cop” courses, this clinic is based on police motor officer slow-cone drills … with the cones kicked out to dimensions that ordinary mortals can master. Over the course of the day, you will improve coordination of clutch, throttle and steering inputs to keep the motorcycle balanced at low speed while executing tight turns and U-turns with precision and control.

Instructor Breakfast Corvallis

Sharon's Cafe 1894 SW 3rd St, Corvallis, OR, United States

Monthly breakfast meet. (Not really "professional development" unless you count your waistline.) All former and current instructors, staff, and plus-ones are welcome. Please let Pat know you intend to show, ...

$10 – $15

Instructor Social PDX Metro

TBA via Listerv or Facebook Post

This is a third-Thursday monthly social meet-up from 4-7 p.m. The location will change each month, rotating sides of town. All former and current instructors, staff, and plus-ones are welcome. ...

Motorcycle Safety Awareness Rally

Oregon State Capitol Building 900 Court St, Salem, OR, United States

Brought to you by BikePAC of Oregon and ABATE of Oregon: An annual motorcyclist rally at the State Capitol. Everyone is welcome to this free event. Come and show your ...

Braking Clinic Albany

Albany Range

Braking Clinics are an excellent opportunity to experience your motorcycle’s handling dynamics at higher speeds. Your skill and confidence in high-speed braking applications will increase considerably, and you’ll come away with a better understanding of what your own students experience.

Skills Circuit

Medford Range

We’ve extracted the Circuit Ride from the old RSP and created a short course to assess riding skill and reinforce good technique. RSC runs 2.5 hours. Instructors ride their own ...

Instructor Social PDX Metro

TBA via Listerv or Facebook Post

This is a third-Thursday monthly social meet-up from 4-7 p.m. The location will change each month, rotating sides of town. All former and current instructors, staff, and plus-ones are welcome. ...

Instructor Breakfast Corvallis

Sharon's Cafe 1894 SW 3rd St, Corvallis, OR, United States

Monthly breakfast meet. (Not really "professional development" unless you count your waistline.) All former and current instructors, staff, and plus-ones are welcome. Please let Pat know you intend to show, ...

$10 – $15

Cornering Clinic Medford

Jackson County Sports Park, White City

Cornering Clinics eliminate the distractions of the street, and allow you to concentrate on where you look, line selection, bike placement and transitions. Your cornering skill and confidence will improve noticeably, and you’ll come away with a better understanding of what your own students experience.