Mentor Resources

The following mentor guides are designed to give you as the mentor a road map of what topics to cover with your apprentice/intern for the different stages of their development.

Apprentice 1 Guide

This guide is intended for use for their first assignment as an apprentice; an extension of their IP.

This is the first time there are seeing everything put together. This is also the first time there are coaching live students and not error riders. You will need to be modeling the proper coaching, as well as giving them an opportunity to practice themselves. During their apprenticeship assignments they are not to be conducting tasks independently. As their mentor you should be working with them on every task. They are only being evaluated on their ability to complete the assignment for overall score, but the individual evaluations in the logbook are still scored for their feedback.

Apprentice 2 Guide

This guide is intended for use for their second and subsequent apprentice assignments.

The purpose is to prepare them for working as an intern independently of the mentor across the range. As the mentor you are still co-teaching with the apprentice, but they should be teaching about 75 percent of each exercise. Note this is the first time they have taught exercise 1 and 2. Instead of teaching one full exercise, during this assignment type they are teaching three consecutive exercises the second day. These assignments are evaluated as overall “meets standard” or not.

Intern Guide

This guide facilitates internship assignments.

The first intern assignment is a big step for the new instructor. Mentors are layering in discussions of commonly used policies at the beginning of day 1. Interns are responsible for all demonstrations by the completion of their internship. At this point the intern should be capable of conducting tasks independently of the mentor and receive feedback when appropriate. These assignments are evaluated as overall “meets standard” or not.

2022 Mentor Update

This Zoom update spends a significant portion of the hour discussing the mentor guides that are new for this year. We discussed the current version of IP, so you will know what your apprentice/interns have done before seeing you on the range. There are also some updates to the instructor logbook. 

MORE Resources

PMC Quality Assurance (Demo Practices and Check Rides)


If you have questions about mentor guidelines and responsibilities, please contact:

Michael Heinen, Training Manager

888-370-7990 ext. 7 or 541-737-3843

[email protected]