Registration is open for 2025. Don’t wait until the weather is nice and courses are all filled up — there are plenty of open seats now. Take your course this winter or spring and be ready to ride when summer comes.


Keep up to date with Team Oregon news, course offerings, fresh Web content and safe riding tips.

Winter 2024

Team Oregon celebrates 40 years of service to the riding community this year. We plan to honor this accomplishment with free riding seminars, special events and a one-time-only Boot Camp training package. 

By the numbers:

  • We train about 10,000 riders a year
  • We’ve trained more than 230,000 riders since 1984
  • Each instructor trains 62 riders a year on average
  • 230,000 motorcyclists at 55 mph spaced 2 seconds apart would make a line of bikes from here to New York City and back!

Not only do we serve Oregon riders, but we also serve the communities in which those riders live, the employers who rely on them, and the families who depend on them. We are honored to provide the tools for motorcyclists to enjoy riding more and get home safely each day.

Big bikes, little bikes, new riders, experienced riders – we welcome you all.

Three courses in one and a limited-edition T-shirt — who’s in? 

A Boot Camp is a Braking Clinic, Cornering Clinic and Precision Maneuvering Clinic run back-to-back over 2-3 days. Endorsed riders learn to stop on a dime, turn on a dime, and carve better, safer corners. Boot Camps are scheduled in Redmond, Medford, Albany, Portland and Hermiston. The price is $229. Boot Camp details and dates.

You can win a Boot Camp FREE through our partner Law Tigers Motorcycle Lawyers. Law Tigers is the proud sponsor of the 2024 Boot Camps. Visit the Law Tigers website for your chance to win. (If you’d rather not take the chance of missing out, just call 800-545-9944 to sign up now and we’ll refund your money if you win.)

Demand is high for motorcycle training, and courses fill up fast — especially endorsement courses. If you know a rider who wants to get their license this year, tell them don’t wait until the weather is nice and classes are full — there are plenty of open seats now. Take the course this winter or spring and be ready to ride when summer comes! Find a course.

Team Oregon is making rounds on the dealer and club circuits offering free 1-hour riding seminars. So far we have sessions scheduled at Timber Town Harley-Davidson in January, Cycle Country in February, Portland Vespa and Power Motorsports in March. Cascade Moto dates will be confirmed soon. Check the Team Oregon calendar for more details. 

You can also contact [email protected] to request a seminar for your group. Did we mention they’re free?

Basic skills — the kind you get from an endorsement course — are not enough to keep you safe in all situations. For that, you need higher-level skills. And for those, there’s advanced training. 

For 2024, Team Oregon has scheduled 70 courses for endorsed riders to take your skills to the next level. 

  •  5 Boot Camps
  •  7 Braking Clinics
  •  8 Cornering Clinics
  •  8 Advanced Riding Techniques
  •  9 Precision Maneuvering Clinics
  •  12 Road Riding Tactics
  •  21 Basic 3-Wheel

Our advanced courses are eye-opening, challenging, and most of all FUN. Join us! Learn more and register to kick your skills up a notch.

THIS is your classroom.

Even though it’s not as nice for riding, winter is cheaper and sometimes easier to get your “motorcycle admin” tasks done. To help with that, download our free bike inspection and maintenance checklist.

New and used bikes are cheaper in winter. Parts and accessories are plentiful after the holidays and often on sale. And there’s lots of time to catch up on maintenance or a good riding book while you’re waiting for the sun to peek back over the equator. Team Oregon recommends authors Lee Parks, Keith Code, David Hough and Berndt Spiegel to keep you entertained at home in a comfy chair.

We send this newsletter only two or three times a year. If you’d like more frequent riding tips, course offerings, motorcycling news and other safety information, connect with us:

Team Oregon is supported by grant funds from the Oregon Department of Transportation, Safety Division. The program is part of Oregon State University, providing statewide training, education and outreach for riders of all levels of experience and riding ability. Since 1984, the program has trained more than 230,000 riders.