Course Materials

There are many details involved in teaching Team Oregon courses. These resources will support your efforts.

Range Card Updates

In 2022, Stopping Quickly (Basic Ex. 13 and Intermediate Ex. 2) was modified to bring clarity to the start of the exercise. The directions are now consistent with Exercise Guidelines on the right. In short, you will read Directions and Evaluate Understanding in staging, then send students to the start points.

Instructors will receive a letter and adhesive decals to update their range cards on Page 30 (Basic) and Page 6 (Intermediate). View sample

Stopping Quickly Range Tip: After Evaluate Understanding, direct students up the center of the range and to the start cone furthest from staging. Direct the second half of the group to follow and line up at the nearest cone.

Instructor Guides (May 2023)

We restored the break after Unit 9 to the April 2022 BRT Instructor Guide (IG). Download the whole guide and print pages 60-IG61 to bring your IG up to date.

BRT Transparency Study Guide

For a look at the new slides, and tips and insights on presenting the classroom, use the BRT Transparency Study Guide. The guide will help you understand and prepare for the classroom presentation. Samples of the full slide decks are also available by clicking below. (Note the files are compressed PDF samples and will not play video.)

Please note that under no circumstances are these files to be used when teaching a class.

Also note that IRT slides are different from BRT slides, particularly in Unit 8, where there are many more slides of surface hazards to display.

Motorcyclist wearing helmet in parking lot

Basic and Intermediate Riding Demonstration Guide

A good demo is key to showing students proper riding technique and timing. Study guidelines and detailed instructions for nailing the perfect demo every time.

Watch the Basic Course Exercise 1 Demo video.